[gtkada] Compatibility GtkAda 1.x <-> 2.0

Stéphane Rivière stephane at rochebrune.org
Thu Jan 30 10:42:37 CET 2003

Hi Arno,

>> Any idea ?
>You need to apply the file contrib/gtkada-2.0-win32.diff before building
It was previously done, see below what I get when I attempt to run the 
patch again...

$ patch -p0 < ../contrib/gtkada-2.0-win32.diff
patching file `gdk-window.adb'
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] n
patching file `glib-values.ads'
Reversed (or previously applied) patch detected!  Assume -R? [n] n

Before asking for help, I allways read docs, even sometimes (not often) 
understand it ;))
Around this area, I have to say ACT docs are usuable, clear and well 

I've used a gtkada snapshot picked some days ago... (maybe 4/5 days)
Do you think I should use the GtkAda 2.2.0 stable package ?

Many thanks by advance, all suggestions welcome...

Stephane Riviere (Oleron Island)

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