[gtkada] Compatibility GtkAda 1.x <-> 2.0

Gautier de Montmollin gdemont at hotmail.com
Fri Jan 24 14:24:10 CET 2003

# > The 1.x version is easier to manage for a beginner,
# > but surely the 2.x will one day replace the 1.x . So, my

# I guess it depends on what you are doing. [...]

I just speak about getting started, under a Windows environment
- especially a "guest" one.
GtkAda 1.3.12 can be installed and used, the 2.x require to
grab bits of software all around the Web.

# For doing image and animation manipulation, Gtk 2 is easier to
# use (well Gtk 1 had almost nothing in this area).

It would be strictly vectorial graphics: lines and texts.

# For a relatively complete list, see docs/2.0-transition.txt in
# GtkAda 2 (preferably from CVS, where the version is more up to date).

Thank you, I will read it and use the 1.x keeping in mind
what could be upward compatibility traps.
Gautier  --  http://www.mysunrise.ch/users/gdm/index.htm#Ada

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