[gtkada] Compatibility GtkAda 1.x <-> 2.0

Arnaud Charlet charlet at ACT-Europe.FR
Thu Jan 23 23:48:13 CET 2003

> The 1.x version is easier to manage for a beginner,
> but surely the 2.x will one day replace the 1.x . So, my

I guess it depends on what you are doing. It is true that the TreeView and
TextView widgets are more complex to use (although more powerful, and
the other widgets had an unclean API and implementation).

For doing image and animation manipulation, Gtk 2 is easier to use (well
Gtk 1 had almost nothing in this area).

> question is: are there major incompatibilities or can one
> begin with 1.x and continue later with 2.x ?

There are no 'major' incompatibility, but a bunch of small to medium ones.

For a relatively complete list, see docs/2.0-transition.txt in GtkAda 2
(preferably from CVS, where the version is more up to date).


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