[gtkada] GtkAda 2.0 under Windows : a successfull way to proceed...
Stéphane Rivière
stephane at rochebrune.org
Sun Feb 23 12:47:10 CET 2003
Hi all !
I finally succeed to obtain a workable GtkAda 2 development environment
under windows ! (W2k sp3)
The trick was to definitly NOT use the gnatgcc 3.3 package available
today on the mingw download page.
You must use the previous gnatgcc 3.2 package, and then, the TestGtk
program run without problem.
Regards from Oleron Island - France
Stephane Riviere
Full instructions follows...
Gcc 3.2 + GnatGcc 3.2 + GtkAda 2.2 under windows NT systems (v 0.2)
Stephane Riviere : stephane at rochebrune.org
Thanks to the ACT team, Jeffrey Creem and all the GtkAda mailing list folks.
# Introduction
The suggested directory tree take hard coded gcc pathes into account, in
order to guarantee good installation reproductibility.
I'm not an Ada expert, nor a gcc hacker. I'm just a newbie in this
world, so
please feel free to correct and enhance this file.
The root directory must be "x:\mingw", where "x" is your install drive.
In the example below, the install drive is "c:"
You may choose any disk as long as you keep the root directory \mingw.
I believe there is many others ways to proceed, but this one is a
simple and
an easy one.
At the end of the installation process, you'll get two directories :
- "c:\gnu" containing all the packages ready for a new install
- "c:\mingw" containing a ready to use install of gnatgcc with gtkAda
# Package download
* Directories creation
Create "c:\gnu"
Create "c:\gnu\mingw"
Create "c:\gnu\gtk"
Create "c:\gnu\gtkada"
* GnatGcc
From "http://www.mingw.org/download.shtml"
To "c:\gnu\mingw"
From "http://prdownloads.sf.net/mingw/"
To "c:\gnu\mingw"
* Gtk
From "http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/downloads.html"
To "c:\gnu\gtk"
From "http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/gnuwin32"
To "c:\gnu\gtk\gtkada"
* GtkAda
From "http://libre.act-europe.fr/GtkAda/"
To "c:\gnu\gtkada"
Download the latest gtkAda snapshot with the commands :
- cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at libre.act-europe.fr:/anoncvs login
- empty password
- cvs -d :pserver:anoncvs at libre.act-europe.fr:/anoncvs co GtkAda
# Installation
IMPORTANT NOTICE : In the installation process described below, some
already installed will be overwrite.
* Gnatgcc
Launch "MinGW-2.0.0-3.exe"
When asks "Select Destination Directory", answer "c:\mingw"
Launch "MSYS-1.0.8.exe"
When asks "Select Destination Directory", answer "c:\mingw\msys"
When asks "Do you wish to continue with the post install",
answer "y"
When asks "Do you have MinGW installed", answer "y"
When asks "Where is you MinGW installation", answer "c:/mingw"
Expand "gcc-3.2-Ada-20020817-1.tar.gz" to "c:\mingw"
* Gtk
Create c:\mingw\gtk
Expand to c:\mingw\gtk :
Create c:\tmpiconv
Expand "libiconv-1.8-w32-1.bin.zip" to "c:\tmpiconv"
copy "c:\tmpiconv\iconv.exe" to "c:\mingw\gtk\bin"
copy "c:\tmpiconv\*.dll" to "c:\mingw\gtk\lib"
copy "c:\tmpiconv\iconv.lib" to "c:\mingw\gtk\lib"
copy "c:\tmpiconv\iconv.lib" to "c:\mingw\gtk\lib\libiconv.a"
copy "c:\tmpiconv\iconv.h" to "c:\mingw\gtk\include"
copy "c:\tmpiconv\libcharset.h" to "c:\mingw\gtk\include"
Delete "c:\tmpiconv"
Using the config panel, system applet, advanced option, then
environment variables button.
Add to PATH "c:\mingw\gtk\bin" and "c:\mingw\gtk\dll"
* GtkAda 2
Manual source patches
There is two ways to proceed :
1) The clean way (to my taste)
In "c:\gnu\gtkada\src\makefile.in", add at line 15 the
-mms-bitfields to obtain a modified line looking like :
"CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ -mms-bitfields -Wall @GTK_CFLAGS@ -I..
In "c:\gnu\gtkada\src\opengl\makefile.in", add at line 10
switch -mms-bitfields to obtain a modified line looking
like :
"CFLAGS = @CFLAGS@ -mms-bitfields -Wall @GTK_CFLAGS@ -I.
In "c:\gnu\gtkada\src\gtkextra\makefile.in", add at line
10 the
switch -mms-bitfields to obtain a modified line looking
like :
"CFLAGS=@CFLAGS@ -mms-bitfields"
2) The lasy one : the only one for most of us :)
Just before compiling, type :
CC='gcc -mms-bitfields'
export CC
Using the desk icon Msys, launch Msys, and then :
$ "cd /c/mingw/gtk"
$ "patch -p0 < ../contrib/gtkada-2.0-win32.diff"
Quit Msys
Copy c:\gnu\gtkada dto c:\mingw\gtk
Launch Msys, and then :
$ "cd /c/mingw/gtk"
$ ./configure --prefix=/d/mingw/gtk --build=i386-pc-mingw32
--target=i386-pc-mingw32 --host=i686-windows-mingw32
$ make install
Launch "c:\mingw\gtk\testgtk\testgtk.exe" to validate installation
# Things to do
Open Gl package integration
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