[gtkada] Callback to filter keys.

Martin Klaiber martinkl at zedat.fu-berlin.de
Sun Feb 23 22:16:20 CET 2003

Ludovic Brenta <ludovic.brenta at insalien.org> wrote:

> I think I've found a solution.  The first parameter to your handler must
> not be a Num_Entry_Access, but an "access Num_Entry_Record'Class".

You are right. Thank you for the help.

> Even though you might say these are one and the same, the compiler
> disagrees.

Yes, I'm surprised.

> Could someone with a better understanding of Ada shed some light on the
> reason why this works and not Num_Entry_Access?

I am also interested in some background. Is it recommended to use the
'long form' (don't know a proper expression for it) always, as glade
seems to do?


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