[gtkada] Building GtkAda with gcc 3.2

Ludovic Brenta ludovic.brenta at insalien.org
Sat Feb 22 21:10:51 CET 2003

I would suggest you try to use compression when downloading the sources
from CVS.  To do this, you pass -z[1-9] to cvs, like this:

(first, login as described on the web page, then:)
cvs -z9 -d :pserver:anoncvs at libre.act-europe.fr:/anoncvs checkout GtkAda

(-z9 means maximal compression, at the expense of increased CPU usage on
both the client and the server.  Perhaps -z3 is a better compromise,

Once you have the sources, you never need to download the entire tree
again; you can simply "update" it, like this:

cd GtkAda (go to the root of the source tree)

cvs -z9 update -d -P

This causes the CVS server to only send you patches (i.e. the changes
since you last checked out), not the entire source tree.

I would suggest that the compression option be added to the instructions
on the web site.


Ludovic Brenta.

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