[gtkada] Using libglade2 with GtkAda 2.0.0

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Wed Feb 19 17:12:59 CET 2003

Ludovic Brenta <ludovic.brenta at skynet.be> wrote on 19/02/2003 (17:06) :
> I think you have a point.  For long-lived systems and carefully
> written GUIs, this is the way to go IMHO.  However, I can imagine
> situations where the GUI is not very important, compared to the rest
> of the system.  For example, one may want to build an artificial
> intelligence engine, a database server, or a number-crunching program,
> and spend most of their time optimising that and not the GUI that runs
> on top of it.  Or, there may be a situation where a system must
> support several UI's (e.g. a text-based UI, a network-based UI, a GUI,
> and a web-based UI), and each UI receives only little development
> time.  IMHO, libglade is good for this kind of situations; plus, later
> on, one may always choose to run their .glade file through gate,
> hand-edit the code, and enhance the GUI.

Doesn't make sense. If the GUI is trivial then libglade looses it's

> and using it to make sure all your callbacks have the proper
> prototype, would help.  You would use one User_Data object to
> represent your entire application's model, thus separating the view
> (your glade file) and controller (GtkAda) from it.

Doesn't help if the GUI crash the program.

> > How do you make your own composite widgets
> You wouldn't make any; you would create a GUI by composing the
> existing widgets.

Of course you want! Dialogs are one example. It is a waste of time to
redesign the same dialogs over and over several times in a program(s).

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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