[gtkada] Patch to compile Gtkada.MDI using gnat 3.14p

Ludovic Brenta ludovic.brenta at insalien.org
Sun Feb 16 16:30:43 CET 2003


Yes, I know, I should upgrade to 3.15p but it's so convenient to apt-get
the one in woody :)

I'm trying to compile the upcoming GtkAda 2.0.1 from CVS, and I need
this small patch to get Gtkada.MDI to compile.

Ludovic Brenta.

-------------- next part --------------
--- gtkada-mdi.adb.~1.113.~	Thu Feb  6 12:11:59 2003
+++ gtkada-mdi.adb	Sun Feb 16 16:16:47 2003
@@ -5112,7 +5112,7 @@
             Tmp      : Widget_List.Glist := Children;
             while Tmp /= Null_List loop
-               if Get_Data (Tmp)'Tag = Gtk_Accel_Label_Record'Tag then
+               if Get_Data (Tmp).all'Tag = Gtk_Accel_Label_Record'Tag then
                   Set_Style (Get_Data (Tmp), Style);
                end if;
                Tmp := Next (Tmp);

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