[gtkada] GtkAda 2.0 on Windows?

Stéphane Rivière stephane at rochebrune.org
Wed Feb 5 17:56:50 CET 2003

>I thought I read somewhere that somebody had managed to compile GtkAda
>2.0 on windows? Anybody here succeded? Anybody know where the bottleneck
>is to getting it compiled?
Yes it's me :)

But it's not (still) working here (with gnatgcc 3.3) (exception raise 
when launching testgtk)

Jeffrey creem has succed (I think he reads this list) (with gnatgcc 3.2)

I can provided to you a step by step "how-to"...

Regards from France

Stephane Riviere (Oleron Island)

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