[gtkada] How to compile an app static in Windows?

Ian Clifton ian at melvin.dp.ox.ac.uk
Mon Feb 3 17:20:11 CET 2003

On Mon, 3 Feb 2003, Preben Randhol wrote:

> I'm trying to compile a tiny app in Windows staticly so that I do not
> need to install the GtkAda libs. The problem is that I cannot manage to
> get it to work.
> I have tried:
> gnatmake app -IC:\gnat\bindings\gtkada\lib -LC:\gnat\bindings\gtkada\lib -largs -static -s -mwindows
> But when I try it on a machine that does not have GtkAda the program
> asks for the dlls.

It's a long time since I did this, and it wasn't using GtkAda, but I
seem to remember "-bargs -static" is neccessary in place of "-largs

Hope this helps,
Ian Clifton                   Phone: +44 1865 275631
Dyson Perrins Laboratory      Fax:   +44 1865 275674
Oxford University  OX1 3QY UK ian.clifton at chem.ox.ac.uk

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