[gtkada] gtkada 2.2.1 on mac os x

Nicolas Setton setton at act-europe.fr
Mon Dec 15 16:43:46 CET 2003

Hello Jim,

> i managed to get gtkada 2.2.1 to build correctly on os x as shared 
> libs.

That's very good news ! does everything in testgtk work as expected ?

>   i did as little violence as possible to the original 
> make/configure scripts, but some things i just didnt know how to do in 
> a manner that would not break other ports.  is there anyone who would 
> be willing and able to help me get my patch file into decent shape to 
> be integrated with the main line gtkada code its not very large?  i 
> only modified each of the Makefile.in, Makefile.common.in, configure, 
> configure.guess, and configure.sub.

The main problem is that none of the GtkAda maintainers have access to
an Apple system to actually test the patch.

Could you, nevertheless, send us the cleanest and smallest possible
patch to those files, so that we have an idea of what's involved to port
GtkAda to Mac OS X ?



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