[gtkada] Re: Compiling for GtkAda-1.x and GtkAda-2.x

Sebastian D.B. Krause krause at sdbk.de
Sat Aug 2 11:22:40 CEST 2003

Ludovic Brenta <ludovic.brenta at insalien.org> wrote:
> Well, look at packages "glade" and "glade-2" for a glowing
> counter-example of this.  Or at gcc-3.2 and gcc-3.3, which also can be
> both installed.

With gcc as example, you can still call this program typing
"gcc". You don't have to type "gcc-3.3" all the time as it would be
in your package.

> To answer your concerns about (hypothetical) configure scripts while
> still retaining the capability to have both -dev packages installed,
> each user can symlink "gtkada-config" to whichever version they prefer
> as the default, e.g. in the user's .profile:

That's what /etc/alternatives is supposed to be (why don't you use
at least that? But then libgtkada1 would have to be repackaged to
use /etc/alternatives as well, so conflicting with the other -dev
package is still the easiest and IMO the most elegant solution).

> ln -s /usr/bin/gtkada2-config ~/bin/gtkada-config
> export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

man alias

But all these are really ugly workarounds.

> That there aren't many cases does not mean that there are *no* cases.
> In particular, I think that people porting their GtkAda 1.2
> application to 2.2 will appreciate being able to use both versions in
> development during the transition.

Yes, but these aren't many people. And I think that even those
people don't need the -dev part of both packages. They can still
*use* libgtkada1, of course.


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