[gtkada] Deleting Nodes with Glib.Xml

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Sat Apr 19 18:21:14 CEST 2003

Borja Martín <borjam at dagi3d.net> wrote on 19/04/2003 (18:18) :

> I would like for example to remove the node depending from their
> content. I have no problem searching for the nodes that have certain
> content, but have no idea how to delete them.  This is the pieces of
> code I have to search the nodes:

use the Free procedure in glib.xml

> with gtk, glib.xml, Ada.Text_IO;
> use gtk, Ada.text_Io;
> procedure delete_node is
>         type xmldata is null record;
>         package gxml is new Glib.Xml(xmldata);
>         use gxml;
>         procedure deleteNode(name:String) is
>                 found: Boolean := false;
>                 document : Node_Ptr := Parse("test.xml");
>                 userNode : Node_Ptr := document.child;
>         begin
>                 while (userNode /= null) and (not found) loop
>                         if(userNode.value.all = name) then
>                                 found := true;
>                                 put_line("user found");
>                                 -- here I should delete that node

                                  Free (userNode);

>                         end if;
>                         userNode := userNode.next;
>                 end loop;
>         end deleteNode;
> begin
>         deleteNode("user2");
> end delete_node;

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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