[gtkada] TR: gate for GtkAda 2.0.0

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Wed Apr 9 21:23:35 CEST 2003

Emmanuel Briot <briot at ACT-Europe.FR> wrote on 09/04/2003 (12:22) :
>   - either use Set_Property interface, which gives a straightforward
>     translation from XML to Ada, with a small cost when executing the
>     application

I see now after reading the source a bit that the : 
"with a small cost when executing the application" refers to the
application being developed and not gate itself.

>   - or generate a code similar to the one we currently have, with
>     explicit calls to subprograms whenever possible.

I guess this would be best, but perhaps it is best to use the
Set_Property as a start in order to get a gate2 working fast and then
one can use the time to think how one best implement a more optimised
solution like this?

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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