[gtkada] GtkAda 2.0 on Linux: build problem :again

chris.danx chris.danx at ntlworld.com
Tue Sep 10 00:28:03 CEST 2002

Aidan Skinner wrote:

 > Good luck.


I'm beginning to turn against Linux and all things related.  My eyes are 
turning red, green, blue and yellow with a wavvy window shaped Iris and 
I'm going over to the dark side!  :<

Why?  Took gcc-3.2 off the path, put gnat-3.14p on.  Ran ./configure in 
gtk source directory.  Configure can't detect glib 2.0.6.  Set 
PKG_CONFIG_PATH to /usr/lib/pkgconfig, ran ./configure again, same thing! :<

What is wrong?  In the meantime I'm going to twiddle the undef thing and 
try building gtkada.

 >>Ne'er mind the 20p, what about the Irn Bru? ;)

I'd kinda presumed it was empty... I mean... the thought never entered
my head!

 > Need to put some whellie behind it!  If the bottle's empty it isn't
 > going to destroy Linux as I'll be bashing the PC with nothing but air!
 > ;)

 > I take it your in Scotland then?

Yep, Glasgow to be specific!  Where are you?


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