[gtkada] GtkAda 2.0 on Linux: build problem

chris.danx chris.danx at ntlworld.com
Mon Sep 9 20:09:44 CEST 2002

Eric Streit wrote:
> hi,
> I compiled gtkada on a sid (unstable) debian, with the gcc3.2 and
> everything goes without problems.
> only, some widgets don't work properly, but I think it's a gtkada
> problem and not a compiler problem.
> Hope this help,

Thanks, I'm really not sure what to do.  I am going to try the undef 
thing, if that doesn't work build gtk with gcc-281 (will I need to 
rebuilt anything apart from gtk and gtkAda, like glibc, pango, etc?). 
If that doesn't work (which I doubt will happen) I'm going to freak out 
and start smashing the PC with a bottle of Irn-Bru! ;)


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