[gtkada] Toolbar interface

bs bs at ionicsoft.com
Tue Sep 3 14:00:13 CEST 2002


Is there a (good) reason to have different parameters type in similar 

Append_Item is not consistent with Insert_Item. The icon parameter type 
is different.

function Append_Item
     (Toolbar              : access Gtk_Toolbar_Record;
      Text                 : String := "";
      Tooltip_Text         : String := "";
      Tooltip_Private_Text : String := "";
      Icon                 : Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget := null)
      return Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button;

   function Insert_Item
     (Toolbar              : access Gtk_Toolbar_Record;
      Text                 : String := "";
      Tooltip_Text         : String := "";
      Tooltip_Private_Text : String := "";
      Icon                 : access Gtk.Widget.Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
      Position             : Gint)
      return Gtk.Button.Gtk_Button;

The same occurs for Append_Element....


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