[gtkada] testgtk penguin

Thanjuzo Bernier thanjuzo at free.fr
Sat Nov 30 22:10:32 CET 2002

Hello GtkAda-List,

I can't figure out why there is a "#if" at view_gl.gpb(139) (rev 1.3 of CVS
repository). I can't yet make it work under Win32, but I had to change it in
GtkAda-1.3.12, to see the penguin of the testgtk OpenGL demo. Without that
(1.3.12) :

view_gl.adb(140) :
--! #if WIN32 then
         declare --TB
           glm : array (0 .. 15) of aliased GLfloat;
           for I in glm'Range loop
             glm(I) := GLfloat (M (I / 4, I mod 4));
           end loop;
           Glmultmatrixf (glm(0)'Unchecked_Access);
--! #else
--!          Glmultmatrixf (M (0, 0)'Access);
--! #end if;

the penguin can't be seen.

Can somebody see it with GtkAda-1.3.12/Win32 and no modification ?

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