New mailinglist (was Re: [OT] Mailinglist for Ada programming? (was Re: [gtkada] configura tion files))

Vinzent Hoefler at
Thu May 30 12:31:59 CEST 2002

Hi Preben, at 12:21 30.05.02, you wrote:

>their opinion. We need a place where we can just say: "Hi have anybody
>done something like this ..." and if somebody has then we can share

Ok, yes, this is fine.

>So I'm proposing a mailinglist for Ada hobbyist and other
>interested. I'll look into how we can do get on.

Well, the already mentioned yahoo-group does not seem to be very busy at the moment, we could just take over... :-)

>I think perhaps
>creating a project at savannah could be the easiest way. We could call
>it the Ada Hobbyists Project.

What's savannah? A mailing list server?

But anyway, I think its fine for me, too.

Kind Regards,

MDC Max Daetwyler AG
Vinzent Hoefler
Flugplatz              Fax. +41-62-919 36 30
CH-3368 Bleienbach     Tel. +41-62-919 36 23

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