[gtkada] configuration files

Stephen Leake stephen_leake at acm.org
Thu May 30 02:02:27 CEST 2002

Preben Randhol <randhol at pvv.org> writes:

> Stephen Leake <stephen_leake at acm.org> wrote on 29/05/2002 (14:16) :
> > 
> > Or ignore it; programmer choice. The Windows ini interface simply
> > ignores any keys that are not asked for.
> Ok, but I don't think we should use the Windows API to ini files as we
> already have to make our own routines to read ini files on Linux and
> there should be no difference on dealing with them in windows.

That's two separate issues. We can pick an Ada binding to the Windows
API as the standard, and implement it in Ada for all operating systems,
including Windows and Linux.

I agree we should not use the Windows DLLs from GtkAda; that would be
cheating, and they might get changed to do registry stuff without our

-- Stephe

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