[gtkada] configuration files
Stephen Leake
stephen_leake at acm.org
Thu May 30 01:58:36 CEST 2002
Preben Randhol <randhol at pvv.org> writes:
> Stephen Leake <stephen_leake at acm.org> wrote on 29/05/2002 (14:16) :
> > Preben Randhol <randhol at pvv.org> writes:
> >
> >
> > Yes, but if I have two distinct databases, both accessed by 'myadadb',
> > then I need two distinct config files. I can use /etc/myadadb/.myadadb
> > and ~/.myadadb as defaults, but I also need a way to specify any
> > arbitrary name (perhaps as a command line parameter).
> Ah nonono then you do it like this:
<snip multi-file structure>
Of course that works. So does specifying the file on the command line
The point would be to let the ini package support all of these paradigms.
> > Well, there are other possible formats that are platform independent.
> > For example, X windows stores stuff like this in a similar format; I
> > have not looked at it in detail.
> Section "ServerLayout"
> Identifier "Default Layout"
> Screen "Default Screen" 0 0
> InputDevice "Generic Keyboard"
> InputDevice "Configured Mouse"
> InputDevice "Generic Mouse"
> EndSection
> Yes this is OK too. I meant that I want a text file that I can simply
> copy to Windows from Linux or visa versa and only have to change
> directory path in it to work on the other platform.
Yes. I would like to make sure we consider all the formats that are
already out there, before we pick one. No need to re-invent the wheel
> > Because they are useful. I have written applications that stored
> > such data in files, so these routines are here. I like keeping
> > things strongly typed, so I want more than just String, Float,
> > Integer in config files.
> I see, but can't we just make a
> generic
> type Data_Type is private;
> function Read
> (File : in File_Type;
> Section : in String;
> Keyword : in String;
> Default : in Data_Type)
> return Data_Type;
This only works if you add a generic function parameter:
with function To_Data (Item : in String);
With my functions, the generic body uses 'Value. Not a big difference.
> But I really think it makes more sense to have all the Read
> functions simply done as Strings and then we make generic functions
> for converting the string to the type afterwards.
That's what I did, they are just in the same package, not "afterwords"
> Another question should we expect the config file to be
> keyword=value
> in one line or can the value span several lines?
If it spans several lines, you need a value terminator character. Then
you need a quoting mechanism to include the line terminator in
strings. Not too hard, but I don't think it's worth it. If the parsing
gets too complex, we might as well just use XMLAda.
> Should we have
> [Directory]
> or
> Section "Directory"
> EndSection
If we keep the one level section notion, I'd simply say we are using
Windows ini file syntax; then the files can be read by the Win32 API,
and we can read other Windows ini files. No loss for us.
-- Stephe
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