[gtkada] configuration files

Ebert, Rolf rolf.ebert at bms.de
Wed May 29 15:28:47 CEST 2002

I think we should split the discussion into two areas:

A) functionality that has to be provided to clients of the package
B) file (database) format of the actual configuration file

Defining the functionality (A) leads to the design of a specification file.

Defining the file format (B) defines the requirements for the implementation
of the body.

Some of the requirements for A:

A.1: The underlying file format shall not be implied by the spec file

A.2: A hierarchy of keys shall be possible
Note: The top level hierarchy is usually called section by now.

A.3: Multiple levels of hierarchy are preferable (I do not think that 
     there is consensus on this one)

A.4: All values shall be accessible as strings at least

A.5: A list of keys available in a given section shall be retrievable

A.6: others...

I do not like the idea to write values back to a configuration file.  I
would place the writing routines in  child package or leave them out

Notes on B:
I think we can write multiple bodies for the different file formats.  I can
even imagine a heursitic that at least the reading routines detect the file
format automatically.

I like the idea of the 

   Section "Directory"

format.  This looks quite similar to Ada itself.  Is it possible to have
nested sections.  How do they look like? 

As an aside: has anybody looked at the file format for the gnat project
files as of gcc-3.1.  This is almost pure Ada!

	Rolf Ebert

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