[gtkada] configuration files

Jacob Sparre Andersen sparre at nbi.dk
Wed May 29 02:43:18 CEST 2002

Stephen Leake wrote:

> Jacob Sparre Andersen <sparre at nbi.dk> writes:

> > "dot files" are certainly intended for storing personal
> > preferences!
> Yes, which I said I don't want.

It happens to be what I want.

> Certainly this package should support use for personal
> preferences. I would also like to be able to specify an
> arbitary file name, and treat it as a config file.

Nothing prevents it from that. Actually, I can not remember
a single instance of a "dot file" whose name can not be
specified as an argument to the program.

> >  * It would be practical to include a function for reading the
> >  configuration file(s) into a suitable data structure, so the files
> >  only need to be read once during the execution of a program.
> I'm assuming that is how the body will be implemented.
> Are you saying you want that visible to the client?

That was probably what I wrote, but I am not sure I mean it.

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