[gtkada] configuration files

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Tue May 28 12:19:13 CEST 2002

Stephen Leake <stephen_leake at acm.org> wrote on 28/05/2002 (11:45) :
> If you don't mind this becoming an official part of Gtk and/or GtkAda
> (that means the GMGPL license), I'd be happy to take what you have and
> enhance it to do what I need. Eventually, it will be perfect :).

yes, but lets first make decisions on file format etc...

> comp.lang.ada would also be a good place to discuss this. Maybe we
> could submit it to Grace as well :).

Yes, but lets maintain it outside the grace also so we are not kept back
by the release cycles of grace.

We can move it to comp.lang.ada there is one advantage and one
dissadvantage. Advantage is that there are more people that can help
out on the desiding. Dissadvantage : "The more chefs the more mess" we
say in Norway. So I'll start a thread on this now if nobody beats me to
it and we can see how it develops.

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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