[OT] Mailinglist for Ada programming? (was Re: [gtkada] configura tion files)

Stephen Leake stephen_leake at acm.org
Tue May 28 00:03:40 CEST 2002

manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com writes:

> In this package I miss procedures to write changed values
> back. In my program I use it to make the size of windows which
> were resized by the user persistent among other things, with
> lines in the ini file like:
> Main_Window_Size 600 480

It might be good to support aggregates for normal Ada records. We
could use a variant of Auto_Text_IO
(http://users.erols.com/leakstan/Stephe/Ada/auto_text_io.html) to
generate the code to read/write records to ini files. But maybe that's

-- Stephe

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