[gtkada] configuration files

Jacob Sparre Andersen sparre at nbi.dk
Mon May 27 13:38:12 CEST 2002

Preben Randhol wrote:

I suppose that I have not used MS-Windows seriously since
1995 (approximately), so my knowledge of those operating
systems is based on second hand information and an exam in
using Excel (which I somehow passed).

> Jacob Sparre Andersen <sparre at nbi.dk> wrote on 27/05/2002 (12:18) :
> > I have not run into one yes, but there really should be one.
> > And I suspect that the proper implementation for MS-Windows
> > would use the "registry", where as it for Unix certainly
>   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
>   Why? Isn't it better to use .ini files in Window, then one do not have
>   to make two completely different packages, but use the same routines ?

It is my understanding that since MS Windows 95, the
"registry" has been the proper place to store user settings.
I have on the other hand also knowledge of of rather new
programs for MS Windows, which use "ini files" for this

> Yes it would be nice if we could come up with a general
> solution. At the moment my config file is looking
> something like this:


> of course one could use XML too, but it seems a bit of
> an overkill.

Agreed. Also, it is not as easy to read.

If we can argue that a version of the "ini file" format is
proper for both Unix and Windows, then the problem seems to
be reduced to operating system specific locations of system
wide and user configuration files ("/etc/<application>rc"
and "$HOME/.<application>rc" on Unix).

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