[gtkada] Coloring a window

Grein, Christoph christoph.grein at eurocopter.com
Wed May 15 06:08:18 CEST 2002

Hi folks,

how do I color my main window? This is the code generated by Glade. The lines 
commented out were added by me to define a color in the color map, but this 
crashes the program. And if it worked, how would I apply the color defined to my 
window background?

Thanx for the help.

Christoph Grein

-- with Glib;  use Glib;
-- with Gdk.Color, Gtk.Widget;
with Gtk.Main;

with FSMedit_Pkg; use FSMedit_Pkg;  -- generated by Glade

procedure Run is
  -- Color   : Gdk.Color.Gdk_Color;
  -- Colormap: Gdk.Color.Gdk_Colormap := Gtk.Widget.Get_Default_Colormap;
  -- Gdk.Color.Set_RGB (Color, Red   => 219*Gushort'Last/255,
  --                           Green => 255*Gushort'Last/255,
  --                           Blue  => 170*Gushort'Last/255);
  -- Gdk.Color.Alloc (Colormap, Color);
  -- Set_Colormap (FSMedit, Colormap);
  Gtk_New  (FSMedit);
  Show_All (FSMedit);
end Run;

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