[gtkada] GtkAda 1.3.12 and Glade 0.5.9 parsing error

prsa at systems.saab.se prsa at systems.saab.se
Tue Mar 19 14:23:54 CET 2002

Som time ago ther was a "ada"-gate publiched on this group and i was under
impresion that the aim of the little program was to fix all "shell"
(Have been using that one myself for a while)
Code Posted by
      "Eric Mathieu" <eric.mathieu at c-s-canada.ca> the folowing date
2001-10-03 14:07

/Per Sandberg

|         |           Pheet                |
|         |           <a.pheet at ntlworld.com|
|         |           >                    |
|         |           Sent by:             |
|         |           gtkada-admin at lists.ac|
|         |           t-europe.fr          |
|         |                                |
|         |                                |
|         |           2002-03-19 13:27     |
|         |           Please respond to    |
|         |           gtkada               |
|         |                                |
  |                                                                                                                              |
  |       To:       gtkada at lists.act-europe.fr                                                                                   |
  |       cc:                                                                                                                    |
  |       Subject:  Re: [gtkada] GtkAda 1.3.12 and Glade 0.5.9 parsing error                                                     |

Christoph Grein wrote:
> Hi Arno,
> following your advice, I've downloaded and installed GtkAda 1.3.12 on
Win98 with
> Gnat 3.14p. I found two problems:
> 1. When I run Glade to write the Ada source code, I get the result
> Couldn't parse C:/Path_to_my_File/C:\Path_to_my_File\my_File.glade.
> Note the doubled path in the message. I experimented a bit and found that
> `basename $1` in the script gate.sh does not work: It returns the full
path and
> file, not just the basename. Thus the line
>         file=`cd $dir; pwd`/`basename $1`
> leads to the weird result above.

I had the same problem (also running win98).  When I downloaded gate.bat
and gate.sh from the cvs at
http://libre.act-europe.fr/cvsweb/GtkAda.cvs/src/ the problem went away
and all is well.



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