[gtkada] GtkAda 1.3.8 and Gnat 3.14p

Christoph Grein christoph.grein at eurocopter.com
Mon Mar 18 07:52:26 CET 2002

Hi all,

I'm new to GtkAda (but not new neither to Ada nor Gnat).

I've downloaded GtkAda 1.3.8 and am trying to install it with Gnat 3.14p on 
Windows 98. This is the result when running install.bat:

gcc -c -O2 make.adb
gtk-extra-sheet.ads:904:39: C_Pass_By_Copy convention allowed only for record 
gnatmake: "make.adb" compilation error

Now I know little about C (except for horror stories :-) no flame intended :-)
so before starting to expriment to correct the problem myself, I try asking your 

Or should I try the lately released GtkAda 2.0 instead? Does this work for 
Windows. I could not decide this with the information given on 


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Mein Radunfall
My bike accident

Christoph Grein
Mitglied von Ada-Deutschland
Member of Ada Germany

eMail: Christ-Usch.Grein at T-Online.de

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