[gtkada] GtkExit

Grein, Christoph christoph.grein at eurocopter.com
Mon Jun 17 07:34:32 CEST 2002

> > So is Preben right or is the documentation right?
> Actually none ;-)
> Gtk_Exit will exit all Gtk+ main loops, but will not quit the application,
> norskip the finalization of Ada.
> Arno

Naw, I use Gtk.Main.Gtk_Exit on Destroy and on Close instead of 
Gtk.Main.Main_Quit, and it works just satisfactorily.
(I'm quite new to GtkAda and I do not remember why I use Gtk.Main.Gtk_Exit, it 
must be because I found it in some sample program. But now I know that 
Gtk.Main.Main_Quit should be used.)

Christoph Grein

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