[gtkada] problem

florcand florcand at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jan 19 20:09:27 CET 2002

This is the way to make GtkAda-1.3.12 work properly with no problem :
1/ Once you have downloaded GtkAda, unzip the folder into your OS.
2/ Run install.bat (It will uncompress many folders).
3/ Go to "GtkAda-1.3.12/bin" directory and copy all the ".dll" folders into
your OS system directory (on win xp, it will be "windows/system32").
4/ Add the path where to find Gate (i.e "c:\GtkAda-1.3.12\bin") in your
environment variable.
5/ Reboot your system.

Now you can use Glade to make your program.
In the options of Glade, select Ada if your want to make an Ada program, and
save your project.
Don't generate any code yet.

Now to generate the Ada code, open a Dos windows and go to the directory
where your project is.
For example, if the name of your project is "essai.glade", write "gate
essai.glade" (this will generate a "src" directory with "essai.adb" and many
other folders inside).

At this step, you can build your program either in Dos window or with an
editor like Adagide or pcGrasp.

In a Dos window, go to the "src" directory of your project and write
"gnatmake -q essai -Ic:\GtkAda-1.3.12\lib" without quotes.

That"s all.

Links for pcGrasp and Adagide : http://www.eng.auburn.edu/grasp

To configure pcGrasp correctly, follow these steps :
1/Go to "File/Global preferences...", in "Workspace/compilers" select
"(Ada95) GNAT 3.11p" and click on "copy".
2/ Now go down the window and edit "Copy of (Ada95)..." by clicking on
You can see now the "Compiler Environment" window.
You can rename "Copy of ...." in "GtkAda-1.3.12".
In the "Compil/Link Command" text edit, the line must be "gnatmake -q
%F -Ic:\GtkAda-1.3.12\lib".
3/ Leave "Workspace/compilers" and go to "Ada95".
In "Compiler Environment for Ada Programs", select GtkAda-1.3.12".

pcGrasp is now correctly configured to build your GtkAda programs.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Atle Ræstad" <aer at edh.ericsson.se>
To: <gtkada at ada.eu.org>
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 4:09 PM
Subject: [gtkada] problem


I tried to use GtkAda1.3.12 on WindowsNT. When I use glade (the one that
comes with the GtkAda software), and tries to generate source code from
glade the source code always ends up with:

GATE: Internal error. Please send a bug report with the XML
file H:\aer\temp\gtkada\testprog\simple\simple1.glade and the GtkAda version
to gtkada at ada.eu.org

Can you help?

Atle Ræstad

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