Clark, G L g.l.clark at lmco.com
Wed Jan 23 01:39:21 CET 2002

   Does anyone have any experience debugging CONSTRAINT_ERRORS?

   I'm using Glade generated code.  Therefore the window has a Gtk_New which
calls an initialize function which has all the gtk_new calls for all the
other widgets in the window.

   What I'm trying to do is set the default values for some radio buttons
based on some passed in user data.  After the particular radio_group and
lables are gtk_new'd and all the callbacks connected.  At the very end of
the Initialize function I have a set_active call on a radiobutton. This
executed a callback. In the callback the sensitivity of some labels are
changed.  The labels have already been gtk_new'd.

   For some reason a constraint error is raised when in the callback
function while setting the sensitivity of a label.

   Would executing the callback before the Glade generated Initialization
function completes be the cause of my constraint?   Is there any way to get
around it?
   Any help would be appreciated.

   -George Clark

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