[gtkada] Glade and selecting the right widget

manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com
Fri Jan 11 12:09:54 CET 2002

>one of them is a vertical list of say
>up to 10 elements of a composit widget with three widgets;
>a pushb, an optionm and a textf.

I would use a table for that. If you have at most 10 vertical
positions, that would be a table of size 3 by 10.
You won't see the positions that are not filled with a widget.

>I asume that I have to put the three widgets which I am reusing into a
>window, but how can I add properties to the instances so that they are
>'unique'? Or do I need to do that at all?

You need to call Gtk_New for all the instances that you need.
In cases like this, I use Glade to generate one instance, and
then change the code to make N instances.


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