[gtkada] simple gtk_editable question

Clark, G L g.l.clark at lmco.com
Wed Jan 9 20:50:25 CET 2002

    Thanks for your help...    The problem has to do with not knowing the
length returned from get_chars(gtk_editable_record).  It was fixed with a
procedure from the Ada.Strings package.  But since getting characters from
GTK.Gentry fields doesn't have anything to do with GTKada I'll go now.  
    And I'm sure my compiler vendor would've been HAPPY to help me out! ;)  

-----Original Message-----
From: Eric Mathieu [mailto:eric.mathieu at c-s-canada.ca]
Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 1:37 PM
To: gtkada at lists.act-europe.fr
Subject: RE: [gtkada] simple gtk_editable question

May be you can try this:  

	name : name_type;

procedure On_Create_Database_Accept_Button_Clicked
      (Object : access Gtk_Button_Record'Class)
     holder : constant string :=
       if holder'length > name'length then
	name(1..40) := holder(holder'first .. holder'first + 39);
	name := (others => ' ');
     	name(1 .. holder'length) := holder(holder'first .. holder'last);
      end if;

Eric Mathieu

> -----Original Message-----
> From: gtkada-admin at lists.act-europe.fr 
> [mailto:gtkada-admin at lists.act-europe.fr]On Behalf Of Clark, G L
> Sent: 9 janvier 2002 14:17
> To: 'gtkada at lists.act-europe.fr'
> Subject: RE: [gtkada] simple gtk_editable question
>  Thanks, that makes a lot of sense... but I still can't get 
> it to work.
>   I need to maintain the original code base which defines NAME as the
> subtype NAME_TYPE and NAME_TYPE as a string of (1..40)...  
> could it have
> something to do with the use of subtypes?   To simplify 
> things for testing
> purposes I removed all that and now have a simple bounded 
> string called
> holder which I'm trying to get the value from the entry. I'm 
> still getting a
> constraint error raised on the 'get_chars' line.  I know I 
> know, probably a
> simple Ada problem...  Anybody?
>       -George Clark
> --------------------
>   holder : string(1..40);
>    procedure On_Create_Database_Accept_Button_Clicked
>      (Object : access Gtk_Button_Record'Class)
>    is
>    begin
>       holder := 
> get_chars(Create_Database_D.New_Database_Entry)(1..40);
>    --...
>    end;
> -----------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Michal Nowikowski [mailto:godfryd at zamek.gda.pl]
> Sent: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 2:46 AM
> To: gtkada at lists.act-europe.fr
> Subject: Re: [gtkada] simple gtk_editable question
>               You "Clark, G L" <g.l.clark at lmco.com> who had written:
> >  I'm getting a Constraint error when trying to read the 
> characters from
> >  an editable field into a bounded string.
> > subtype NAME_TYPE is string(1..40);
> > ...
> > --(Name is of type NAME_TYPE)
> get_chars(Create_Database_Dialog.New_Database_Entry);
> because get_chars(Create_Database_Dialog.New_Database_Entry) 
> can return 
> another amount of chars than 40
> You could do sth like this
> declare
>    name : String := 
> get_chars(Create_Database_Dialog.New_Database_Entry);
> begin
>    ...
> end;
> or
> get_chars(Create_Database_Dialog.New_Database_Entry)(1..40);
> Godfryd
> -- 
> |  Michal Nowikowski <godfryd at zamek.gda.pl>
> |  wymówka admina #268:
> |  Neutrino overload on the nameserver
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