[gtkada] GtkAda, W2K and tasks

Dominique Canazzi dominique.canazzi at wanadoo.fr
Tue Feb 19 21:30:30 CET 2002

Tony Gair wrote:
> Hi Dominique,
>      You could separate your application into a gui for windows and a main
> task running on linux. The connections between the two running on adasockets
> for linux, and adasockets for windows. I have some code that has worked on
> linux to linux, which uses the gtk idle function to update the messages on
> the screen.
> let me know if you would find this useful,
> Regards
> Tony Gair


my problem is not to have a Linux app commnuicating with a Windows app.
The whole thing has to be one application (with tasks inside if necessary) and
has to run on Linux, and on Windows as well.

I do not want to use the gtk idle function because th computation task has
no trivial computation slices.

Anyway, I'm interested in your adasocket use example for asynchronous
as an alternative to GLADE, the Annex E implementation.

Thanks lots.

-- dominique
My thoughts are free.
Mes pensées sont libres.

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