[gtkada] GNOME.App_Helper patch

Aidan Skinner aidan at velvet.net
Mon Feb 18 01:10:36 CET 2002

On Mon, 18 Feb 2002, Arnaud Charlet wrote:

> > Attached to this email is a context diff against
> > GtkAda.cvs/src/gnome/gnome-app_helper.adb to implement the create_menu
> > function.
> Thanks for the patch.

I see you're keeping to the 15 minutes statement on the website. ;)

> Actually I think the procedure profile should be changed to use a non
> anymous access type declared at library level, because in its current

Definateley. I think this would make using it easier as well TBH, as
it'd be consistent with things like the widgets themselves.

> temporary objects. We would have to check the C function to see whether
> this can cause dangling references or not.

I've had a cursory look at the file
gnome-libs- and it looks like it
can cause those problems ie. I don't see gnome_app_fill_menu_custom
(line 1275 in my copy) doing any copying (although my C is kind of
rusty and I'm tired).

It'd also explain a problem I'm having using this... or they might be
unrelated. ;)

I'll open another can of Bru and have a play...

- Aidan
aidan at velvet.net  http://www.velvet.net/~aidan/  aim:aidans42
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01AA 1594 2DB0 09E3 B850        | Because it doesn't do any
C2D0 9A2C 4CC9 3EC4 75E1        | good just to bitch

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