[gtkada] "Gtk_Pixmap_Menu_Item" is undefined

Rick ralm at bigfoot.com
Sat Feb 2 23:35:56 CET 2002

I'm just getting familiar with GLADE and GtkAda, so go easy on me...

First, system details:
RedHat Linux 7.1
GLADE 0.5.9-5
GtkAda 1.2.10-1
gnat 3.13p-8

The problem:
I'm attempting to create a simple window with a menu bar.  Using the
menu bar editor, I selected the "Stock Items" to set up a standard
File-Edit-Options-Help menu with the standard selections under each
item.  The code generated easily enough, but when I attempt to make the
project (gnatmake project1 `gtkada-config`, I get the following error:

edit_segment_pkg.ads:14:14: "Gtk_Pixmap_Menu_Item" is undefined (more
references follow)

In the edit_segment_pkg.ads, there are a series of declarations matching
the menu items I created of the type Gtk_Pixmap_Menu_Item.  I searched
through the /usr/include/gtkada directory for a matching type
declaration, but to no avail.  I even *gasp* read the manual and
searched through this mailing list's archives, but still no luck.

How do I get my project to compile?  After I installed GtkAda (from an
RPM package), I did have to change permissions on the
/usr/include/gtkada files (some were read-only for root).  Are there
other changes I have to perform?  Or shouldn't have already performed?

Rick Maffei

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