[gtkada] Gtk.Signal vs Gtk.Handlers
Jean-Etienne Doucet
doucet at laas.fr
Fri Feb 1 09:26:51 CET 2002
I've got a little problem: I have to install some programs
(of mine) written with GtkAda 1.2.10 on an older installation
which only have GtkAda 1.2.4, and there's something I can't
see how to do it: I want to "ignore" the delete_event on a window.
Using Gtk.Handlers, I write:
package W_Bool_Cb is new Return_Callback(Gtk_Window_Record, Boolean);
and have a callback:
function Ignore (W : access Gtk_Window_Record'Class) return Boolean is
return True;
end Ignore;
With Gtk.Signal, you can't have a function as callback, so I tried
something like:
procedure Ignore (W : access Gtk_Window_Record) is
Emit_Stop_By_Name (W, "delete_event");
end Ignore;
but this doesn't seem to work: the window still disappears...
What is it that I missed ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
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