[gtkada] FW: Awareness of dragging a GtkAda.Canvas.Canvas_Item_Record?

Emmanuel Briot briot at ACT-Europe.FR
Mon Apr 22 17:12:02 CEST 2002

> Speaking of canvas's, is there a reason GtkAda doesn't contain
> bindings for the GnomeCanvas? Is it particuarly weird/horrible in some
> unspeakable way or just time consuming?

Time consuming mostly. When the gnome bindings were originally generated, there
were also some dependencies on some other parts of gnome, thus making the
distribution of applications based on the canvas harder. I think these
dependencies no longer exist.

A thin binding to the gnome canvas is probably easy to generate, but probably
won't be too helpful to people. There are a lot of things to understand to be
able to use the canvas, and it is also useful for people to be able to create
their own canvas items, so one has to make sure the binding supports this.

Contributions welcome, if anyone has a need for the canvas and wants to share
this with the community.


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