[gtkada] Preliminary GNOME 2.0 patches

Aidan Skinner aidan at velvet.net
Fri Apr 12 18:20:39 CEST 2002

On Fri, 12 Apr 2002, Hans-Olof Danielsson wrote:

> Which binary distribution and version of GNU/Linux
> do you use when programming GNOME 2.0 with Ada?
> RH 6.2, Debian 3.0 (woody) or what?

I don't, I use FreeBSD 4.5-STABLE. :)

> I hope it will be possible to use Debian 3.0 together
> with your GNOME 2.0 Ada bindings.

I don't see any reason why it wouldn't...

- Aidan
aidan at velvet.net  http://www.velvet.net/~aidan/  aim:aidans42
finger for pgp key fingerprint |Unix Programmer/Admin actively seeking work
01AA 1594 2DB0 09E3 B850       |CV at http://www.velvet.net/~aidan/cv.txt
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