[gtkada] base_widget example fails Assert
Stephen Leake
stephen_leake at acm.org
Wed Apr 10 03:45:58 CEST 2002
I'm using GtkAda 1.3.12 on Windows 98 (I know, I should move to
Windows NT).
When I compile GtkAda-1.3.12/examples/base_widget/ with -gnata (enable
assertions), I get an assert failure:
bash $ cd c:/Gnu/GtkAda-1.3.12/examples/base_widget/
bash $ ./main
raised SYSTEM.ASSERTIONS.ASSERT_FAILURE : Handlers for this signal should return a value.
bash $
This is from my_widget.adb:235 :
-- Set up the appropriate callbacks to redraw, ...
Draw_Cb.Connect (Widget, "expose_event",
Draw_Cb.To_Marshaller (Draw_Target'Access), True);
The specific assert is at gtk-handlers.adb:918 :
pragma Assert
(Argument_Type (Get_Type (Widget), Name, -1) = Gtk_Type_None,
"Handlers for this signal should return a value.");
At this point in the code, the handler is of type
Marshallers.Marshaller, and Marshallers is an instantiation of
Gtk.Marshallers.Void_Marshallers, which does not return a value. So
the Assert is checking to see if that is what the signal expects.
So, apparently the "expose_event" signal expects a return value, but
the handler provided by this example does not return one.
In gtk-widget.ads, "expose_event" is defined as:
-- - "expose_event"
-- function Handler (Widget : access Gtk_Widget_Record'Class;
-- Event : Gdk.Event.Gdk_Event_Expose)
-- return Boolean;
So apparently it should return a value.
This is not fixed in GtkAda 2.0.0 - at least, the corresponding code
in my_widget.adb has not changed.
I suggest part of the release process for GtkAda be compiling the
examples with -gnata :). I haven't checked the rest of the examples
-- Stephe
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