[gtkada] Re: Pixmap

frodet at nvg.ntnu.no frodet at nvg.ntnu.no
Thu Apr 4 12:31:33 CEST 2002

> >      Icon => Gtk_Widget (Create_Pixmap ("save.xpm", Main_Window)));
> Nooo, note that there are two Create_Pixmap functions.

OK. I'll have a look at that.

> >This requires that the pixmap is in the current directory when running
> >the program. Not exactly what I would like.
> Also not, you can put the full path and filename in the other
> one if you wish.
> I have a few calls like this and I save the current directory in a
> string when the program starts and prepend that to the filenames.

Sure. But the above statement requires that. :)

> >> Glade puts them in the pixmaps subdirectory.
> What I meant was that the pixmaps you use in Glade with the
> buttons are copied to this directory.

That was what I thought you meant, but it's not happening with me. As I 
said, I'm using the lates glade stuff and it does not update the pixmap 
directory. The same applied for the version before this one. Any special 
options or build requirements for this to take effect?


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