[gtkada] Pixmaps

manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com manuel.op.de.coul at eon-benelux.com
Tue Apr 2 18:21:20 CEST 2002

Frode wrote:
>1) With the C version it's possible to #include and have them
>statically linked into the binary. Is there a way of doing this in

Yes, with the Create_Pixmap function. You might need to
convert the result to Gtk_Widget to pass it to Append_Element.
Put the pixmap in a Chars_Ptr_Array. I rename
Interfaces.C.Strings.New_String to "+" for convenience.

>2) Where are they located? I can't seem to find them anywhere (well, I
>found save.xpm (and open.xpm and new.xpm) in the editor example, but
>the rest...?

Glade puts them in the pixmaps subdirectory.


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