[gtkada] string CONSTRAINT_ERRORS problems (2)

Jacobo Marcos jacobom at navegalia.com
Mon Apr 1 19:09:47 CEST 2002

   -- On_Boton_Introducir_Clicked --

   procedure On_Boton_Introducir_Clicked
     (Object : access Gtk_Button_Record'Class)
      I: GInt;
      Mi_Texto: String(1..25):= (others=> ' ');
          Mi_Texto(1..25):= Get_Text(Ventana_Ppal.Entrada); --raised
CONSTRAINT_ERROR : ventana_ppal_pkg-callbacks.adb:77
   end On_Boton_Introducir_Clicked;

[root at localhost src]# ./sample

raised CONSTRAINT_ERROR : ventana_ppal_pkg-callbacks.adb:77

In this Code I want to get[Get_Text] a String introduced in an Entry
[Ventana_Ppal.Entrada] and put it in [Mi_Texto]

Again problems with Strings in GTKAda

But when i exec. this code (clicking a button) raise an exception.
Please Could anybody hel me?

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