[gtkada] pack_end

Frode Tennebø frode at tennebo.com
Mon Apr 1 02:18:58 CEST 2002

I want to design an interface where the user can add/remove/clear a 
composit widget using glade. However I stumbeled into a problem. 
Consider the folowing test.glade:

<?xml version="1.0"?>

  <language>Ada 95</language>







If you open this in glade it will (hopefully) look like I want it to. 
Two pusbuttons groups to the left (more/fewer) and a single (clear) to 
the far right (note the <pack> for the last pushbuttpon).

Now, generate the code and run the binary. It produces a window with 
the three PBs compressed together. Inspecting the code I found that the 
last PB is:
  Add (Window1.Hbox1, Window1.Button3);

I changed this to:
   Pack_End (Window1.Hbox1, Window1.Button3, False, False, 0);

And now it looks like it does in Glade (well, I also had to figure out 
to set the width to a fixed (large enough) size). Is this suppose to be 
like this? I'm using Glade 0.6.4 and GtkAda 1.2.12.


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