[gtkada] Select_Row signal in Clist

Emmanuel Briot briot at ACT-Europe.FR
Tue Nov 20 11:42:57 CET 2001

Preben Randhol <randhol at pvv.org> writes:
> Very nice! The part with Signals can be somewhat confusing. It would be
> nice if there was some common examples on how to do things.

Feel free to suggest documentation enhancement, or even better once you have
mastered a new part of GtkAda to send us the documentation that you think was
lacking. It is hard for us to realize that such and such parts are more
difficult than others, so help is welcome.

> Preben who just reduced the size of his program executable with 50k
> (10%) after realizing that it was stupid to do:
>    package Button_Callback is new
>          Gtk.Handlers.Callback (Gtk_Button_Record);
> in every callback child package for the different widgets and moved it
> into one callback package for the whole program.

And now you understand why we don't provide a marshaller for every possible
signal, even the ones that are rarely used. This would make the generic signal
packages even better, and use even more space...

You might also want to use directly the instantiations in GtkAda.Handlers, and
do some casts in your callbacks. This would even save more space.


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