[gtkada] newbie...

Preben Randhol randhol at pvv.org
Tue Nov 20 11:38:21 CET 2001

Girard Henri <henrigirard at yahoo.fr> wrote on 20/11/2001 (11:00) :
> Hello :)
> I am starting gtkada : How can one compile a small
> hello for example (what do we use on win 2000 :
> windows command or sh ?) 
> gnatmake doesn't seem to be in the package ?
> i put in my autoexec.bat :
> REM d:\Gada\bin
> SET PATH=%PAATH%;d:\gada\bin
> is it right : knowing I uncompressed in d:\gada ?
> thanks for your help :)
> Henri

Hello. GtkAda is a GUI Library for Ada 95. You will need to download an
Ada compiler as well. Since you use Windows go to this page:


I recommend the GNAT compiler.

Ada 95 Links:

 Short Intro I           :  http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ada.html
 Short Intro II          :  http://www.adaic.com/docs/flyers/95intro.html
 Short Overview          :  http://www.adaic.com/docs/flyers/95overvw.html

 Main Ada site           :  http://www.adapower.com/

 ISO Reference Manual    :  http://www.adapower.com/rm95/
 ISO Rational Manual     :  http://www.adapower.com/rationale/
 Quality and Style Guide :  http://www.adaic.com/docs/95style/html/cover.html

 Online Ada 95 book      :  http://www.it.bton.ac.uk/staff/je/adacraft/
 Online Ada 95 book II   :  http://burks.bton.ac.uk/burks/language/ada/ada95.pdf
 Other books             :  http://www.adapower.com/learn/
 Ada 95 book reviews     :  http://www.seas.gwu.edu/~mfeldman/ada95books.html

 GNU Ada Compiler(GNAT)  :  http://www.gnat.com/
 GNAT for Linux, Dos,
 NetBSD, OS/2m SCO       :  http://www.gnuada.org/
 GNAT for Windows        :  http://home.trouwweb.nl/Jerry/

 GTKAda ToolKit (GTK+)   :  http://libre.act-europe.fr/GtkAda/
 GNADE Project           :  http://gnade.sourceforge.net/

Preben Randhol ------------------- http://www.pvv.org/~randhol/ --
                 «For me, Ada95 puts back the joy in programming.»

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