[gtkada] How to hide the cursor ?

Jean-Etienne Doucet doucet at laas.fr
Tue May 22 10:48:11 CEST 2001


I have a little problem; I can live with it but it would
be better to have it resolved.

I have a (toplevel) window which contains a menu bar and
a drawing area (actually a double buffer), and I'd like to
hide the mouse cursor when it's over the drawing area.
I can change it to anything I want (in the Gdk_Cursor_Type)
but I cannot make it disappear. I've tried with Null_Cursor
but this gives nothing.

Has anyone an idea about doing this?

Thanks in advance.

Jean-Etienne Doucet / LAAS-CNRS / Toulouse, France       E-mail: doucet at laas.fr
"S'il n'y a pas de solution, c'est qu'il n'y a pas de problème."  (Les Shadoks)

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