[gtkada] Problem with GtkAda

Arnaud Charlet charlet at ACT-Europe.FR
Wed Jun 20 18:27:02 CEST 2001

> In addition, the sources you sent are incomplete. There is no such package as
> Gtk.Util...

To be more precise, Gtk.Util was provided in earlier version of GtkAda,
but is no longer provided since we've switched to libglade for dynamic
loading of glade files.

Dynamic loading of glade files isn't well supported with GtkAda, because the
API provided by libglade is too C oriented, so for connecting signals,
you would mostly end up providing C signal handlers.

Note that the code generation provided by GtkAda is much more powerful and
flexible than the code generation done for C by Glade, so this is definitely
our recommended approach.


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