[gtkada] (no subject)

Keene, Glenn Glenn_Keene at mail.crc.com
Wed Jan 31 21:01:42 CET 2001

I have a notebook that uses the following to add a page:

Append_Page (Tac_IF_NB : Gtk.Notebook,  CNR_IF_VBox : Gtk.Vbox,  IF_Label :

I call this procedure twice and it adds both the pages with labels like it
should. When I run the executable it looks right. The problem is that I have
one set of buttons that each page will share. To ensure the correct
procedures are called when a button is pressed I must check which page is
active. For this I use: 

Variable = Get_Current_Page(Tac_IF_NB : Gtk.Notebook) 

For some reason this always returns a  -1 when I would expect a 0 or 1 since
I have two pages.
Any ideas? And if not does anyone know what will work for this sort of

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